To the Players and Families of the Stafford Soccer Travel Division...
The purpose of the Stafford Soccer travel division is to promote amateur soccer for area youth. Our motto is "Excellence in Soccer".
Being selected to play for a Stafford Soccer travel team means being given the opportunity to play in youth soccer leagues that are among the most competitive in the world. To be a successful competitor in these leagues requires discipline and sacrifice by players and their families alike. Players and their teammates must be physically and mentally prepared if they are to succeed.
Soccer is a team sport. Successful teams are those having players continuously developing their individual skills within the context of team play. Playing time is not guaranteed. Successful teams have players who understand and apply the Laws of the Game. A player breaking the Law, either intentionally, or from lack of understanding, hurts the team.
Recreational soccer programs generally make little demands on the player. Such programs may be what you are looking for, and you should seriously consider them as an alternative to select soccer.
Rec leagues are less expensive to join and run. Practices may be less demanding, if they are held at all.
Everyone typically gets playing time, based on league rules. There are often little, if any requirements placed upon coaches.
Travel soccer is more demanding of the player and their families. The player must sacrifice time to develop individual skills and maintain game fitness. Parents must arrange their schedules to make certain players have rides to and from practices and games. The player must be dressed, on time, and physically and mentally prepared if they are to learn and compete with their team. Stafford Soccer is a non - profit organization. In order to provide area youth an opportunity to play, Stafford Soccer engages in various activities requiring the participation of teams, team officials, players and parents. Typically, these include things like field preparation and maintenance, sponsoring tournaments and other fund-raisers, as well as serving on different committees that are essential to the working operation of the club. Without such participation, there would be no opportunity for play.
Individual teams are organized in different ways. Teams and coaches are admitted to the Travel Division the rules and guidelines established by the organizations under which we play. How expenses are covered is a team matter. Some teams ask for monies from the player and their families, others use fund-raisers. And some use a combination of both. The costs associated with travel soccer and tournaments may be considerable, as is the time and effort put into fund-raisers. By committing to play select soccer, a player and family commits to the team that made the selection. Monies made through fund-raising or donations in the name of the team remain with the team if a player leaves. A player’s share of team expenses should not shift to the other players and their families or team officials if the player decides to quit.
Players and their families should have a clear understanding of what their responsibilities are before joining a travel team:
My responsibilities as a player:
1. I will discipline my time so that I am able to make practices and games. I will be dressed, on time, and physically and mentally ready to participate. I will work on my skills, my fitness, and my understanding of the Game so that I can become a better player and help my team.
2. I will show respect to my coaches, teammates, game officials, my opponents, the spectators, and the Laws of the Game.
3. I will do what is required of me to help my team.
My responsibilities as a parent:
1. I will make certain my player has arranged their schedule, to be able to get to practices and games on time and prepared to play. I will arrange transportation, if needed, so they are on time.
2. I will show respect to coaches, my player’s teammates, game officials, opponents, other spectators, and the Laws of the Game.
3. I will be positive and encouraging as my player develops.
4. I will do my share in team and Stafford Soccer activities so that my player and others will continue to have a chance to play.